I hope everyone is looking forward to the warm weather as much as I am. Thankfully, it has been in the 70's here for a couple weeks now, but sadly.. NO RAIN... ahhh It is only spring and I am watering the grass. Tomorrow sounds like we are gonna get about 1 inch of rain.
As I said last post, Yesterday I went plant/flower shopping with my neighbor Jessica. (and bought too much :D, but I found a home for them all)
The pictures of them it isn't all perfect, Some were planted today and and of course I took the pictures after I watered them. But hopefully in a week after the roots start growing and the plants start growing Ill take more pictures.
This plant is called Rhododendron, this particular one will have beautiful, large light purple blooms. I never really liked the look of the plant without the blooms. I love the blooms so much I am willing to wait all year to love the plant for a month or so. :) Underneath since this is a very shady area I planted some Coleus seeds. This is just foliage, but some of the plants will have red, green leaves. I am hoping they come out good. Last year I planted some flowers there that were suppose to come up every year.. yahh FAIL... they didn't survive.. I had some extra Petunias, so I planted five near the rocks to give it something while I am waiting for the Coleus to come in.
Close up view.
This flower bed is under my kitchen window. There is two rows of Petunia :) I love them.. I need to get mulch though. It would look soo much better. But in the middle I planted some seeds of a mix batch. They include many different types of flowers. Below is the batch I used. I used one package here and I actually used another around the tree in the back with all the Hostas. These plants should grow about 2-3 feet tall so they will be able to stick our in between all the Hostas. :D
I bought a wooden bucket pail. :) I am a country girl at heart. I just couldn't walk away from it. :D I used three Snowstorm Giant Snowflake to trail out of the bucket. They are trailing plants. and they have nice white blooms on them.
This pail really works really well with my half wine barrel I have. Yes, I am missing a picture of that. But I planted seeds in it, so not much to see right now. I planted California Poppy in them. I said this year was the year to experiment. So I am going all out. :D
This is my hosta plant that I transplanted a couple weeks ago, I added one of the trailing Giant Snowflake plant. It really pops!! Big difference from last picture Huh?
The two small pots and the big black pots were filled with Petunias.
The middle is actually a sweet Mint plant. No I don't use it for my cooking. Okay so a little side story. My husband and I grew up in a town of St. Johns; It is a small town, with mint/corn/soybean fields surround the city portion of the town. Well our town produces more than 50 percent of Michigan's mint. So of course at peaks of the mint crops, you can smell it for miles. If you don't live near where you grew up, something will always take you back. No matter if you left by choice or not. Me it is the smell of fresh mint. Well, I love anything that has mint. Takes me back to me being a careless girl growing up in this town. I love Girl Scouts thin mints, mint ice cream, literally anything that has mint won't survive a couple days in my house. :D Make sure you surround you with sights, taste and smells that takes you back to good memories. As much as I love being in New York, I miss home at times. I saw the mint plant and I couldn't resist. I thought my husband would make fun of me.. Nope. (shocked) He totally understood. Well I had three Petunias left over so to give the pot a little color, I planted those in with the mint as well.

These are my little seedlings. Each day I am seeing a cup with a little big of green in the black dirt. :) So excited for them to put in the grown when big enough. Once they are big enough Ill probably just put them in the flower bed under the kitchen window or around my Rhododendron and any dead spots that flowers didn't survive.
I also planted morning glories in a small pot. They are a viney plant. And hopefully they will do great like they did last year and attach itself to the iron poles which is on our front porch. Ill add a picture of that later once they start growing.
For the front I planted a purple Gerber Daisy plant in a ceramic pot for a little something for the front porch.
Have you planted your plants yet??